Oh the wondrous works of our God! I have had the most marvelous ‘Grandmother’ experience a woman could possibly have before the birth of a grandchild! Monday morning I got up early, and with anticipation, drove to Houston, Texas. The trip was pleasant, and I arrived in plenty of time to accompany Britni, and Malcolm to the doctor’s office. The grand occasion was a 4-D Ultra Sound, the subject, my first grandchild.
The trip from their home to the Doctor’s office was filled with excited chatter! Two grandmothers, an aunt, and the parents, were all trying to express their feelings. Needless to say, we were a lively group; we were on our way to adventure.
I watched as technology brought the amazing antics of this brand new life to a video screen. There, in the most fabulous detail, I saw the handiwork of God. The sweetest little nose, arms, legs, and the fullest lips, yawning wide for our benefit, filled the screen. Those arms and legs were pumping away and looked as though they had been working-out full time. I counted fingers and toes, and I saw the tiniest hand reach out and grab the cutest little foot. There was a perfectly formed spine that arched like a bow as ‘Carter’ stretched backward. My heart was full, and my thoughts were centered on this child, my grandchild.
Viewing this wonder, fascinated by every move, tears, like waterfalls, coursed down my cheeks. My breath caught in my throat when Carter suddenly took his thumb into his mouth and began to suckle in that age-old, life sustaining trait that is inherent to all human flesh. My God, what a beautiful sight!
As if all I had seen was only a preview, suddenly Carter’s heart could be seen, steadily pumping life blood to his tiny little body. How amazing, to watch the most intricate function of the body as it worked with magnificent perfection! The magnified picture allowed a view of four tiny little chambers, a living heart, so diminutive yet so alive.
I am still reeling with awestruck wonder. I already love this child, flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone. I will stretch in my capacity as a grandmother and do all I can to see that he learns about the God I serve. I want him to know Truth, to grow up strong, to know happiness, to be intelligent, and to make wise choices for his life. I love him, and he already fills my prayers!
I am…Grandmother.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Revival 2009.....Sunday Morning
It is Sunday Morning again, and I am thrilled to tell you that we have had a wonderful revival. We still have 2pm. service today, and I am anxious to see what will happen. So far, our church folks have all had a renewing in the Holy Ghost, and we have had two backsliders pray back through to victory! It is so wondeful to watch the Lord at work. He is the greatest!
This is a pic of Bro. and Sis. Story, out to eat like all Pentecostals! We have had a wonderful time making friends with these folks.
This is a pic of Bro. and Sis. Story, out to eat like all Pentecostals! We have had a wonderful time making friends with these folks.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
What a friend we have in Jesus! There are so many times that we need a friend and none seem to be found. We do, however, have a friend that is, without fail, available.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Revival 2009....
8:40am - Well, this is Sunday morning, and we have been having the most awesome Spirit of God in our services! We are excited about what God is doing in our midst! He is so worthy!
1:59pm - Sunday Morning Service - What can I say, except that God always knows exctly what we need! We have had several visitors in every service until this morning. There was only one person there today that was not a member of our church. It was the will of God without a doubt. Our evanglist preached "Life!" It is so amazing how God works. As Bro. Story began to open his life to us and draw word pictures of heartbreak and pain, it was as though he was reading from a book; a book that included more than one person's story. As he reached the part of his story where God told him to love the people involved, God's presence came down into the service and heaven kissed the earth. Bro. Story ministered, and God began a work that makes me want to peer ahead and see the finished product! What a mighty God we Serve!
1:59pm - Sunday Morning Service - What can I say, except that God always knows exctly what we need! We have had several visitors in every service until this morning. There was only one person there today that was not a member of our church. It was the will of God without a doubt. Our evanglist preached "Life!" It is so amazing how God works. As Bro. Story began to open his life to us and draw word pictures of heartbreak and pain, it was as though he was reading from a book; a book that included more than one person's story. As he reached the part of his story where God told him to love the people involved, God's presence came down into the service and heaven kissed the earth. Bro. Story ministered, and God began a work that makes me want to peer ahead and see the finished product! What a mighty God we Serve!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Revival 2009

Enter and worship with us at Bon Wier, UPC. We have been having some great church the past couple of weeks! There has been a special move of God in every service. It is my feeling that we are going to have a year of revival in 2009. Our Church is participating in the month of fasting and prayer, and it as made an impact on our services. We are having a three night revival with Bro. and Sis. David Story starting this Friday night. I am looking forward to the things that God is going to do in these services!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Reunion (a short story)

By: Debra Burks

As she started across the street, the impatient sound of blowing horns made not the slightest impact on her. Breaks squealed and cars skidded to avoid crashing into her; their drivers were angry and frightened at the thought of the damage she might have caused. Without realizing that she was the cause of a near catastrophe, Eldora, with great calm, drove her limping car into the service bay.
By: Debra Burks
This story is fiction, however it is based on real life experience.
Eldora hated the thought of being alone, but with David constantly gone she either stayed by herself or called one of the girls to come and get her. David, her youngest son, lived with her. He was thirty-five or older, she couldn’t exactly remember. Since he had found a girl friend, he stayed gone more than he stayed home.
There was only one thing she hated worse than being alone, and that was being without her car. The kids had taken her car to fix it, but it doesn’t take two years to fix a car. Why was her faithful old ride still parked at Lonnie’s house? She didn’t like having to bum a ride everywhere she went. Couldn’t her kids understand that? She even had to hitch a ride to church, and she had been driving longer than most of her children were old.
Every time she went to prayer meeting she asked the folks to pray that her car would come home, but so far God had not heard their prayers. She reckoned they were all sinning, and that was why God played deaf. She smiled to herself as she thought about some of their dastardly deeds.
Shirley had taken her checkbook, so she couldn’t write a check for anything. Why had she taken it? Eldora could not understand. She had always been the one who had taken care of her families’ finances, but the kids had decided that she couldn’t do it right anymore. Some of them said she had Alzheimer’s disease. They thought she was crazy. She knew they were whispering behind their hands about her. Just wait till she went back to Lonnie’s, She’d figure out something to do about her car. Now, wouldn’t it be funny if she just drove it off. She would love to be a fly on the wall, and hear what they would say to that.
In the bedroom she brushed her grey hair up on top of her head, twisted it into a knot, and pinned it down securely. Lord have mercy, her face looked like it needed ironing there were so many wrinkles. She’d probably look a little better if she put her teeth in. She would get them from the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, she raked her brains trying to remember what she was there for, but it was no use.
Aggravated at herself, she headed toward her favorite easy chair. She would take a nap and rest her weary bones. When the phone rang she hastily lifted the receiver. This was, it seemed, her only connection to the outside world. “Hello!” the cadence of her voice was jolly, and she was happy to talk to anyone.
“Mamma, how are you doing?”Lonnie queried in a typical manner.Then before she could answer him, he asked,“Are you ready yet? Mary and I are on our way to get you.”
“Lord, Lonnie I forgot you were coming today, but I’ll be ready when you get here.” This might be the perfect opportunity to do something about her car.
“Ok mom, we’ll be there in about an hour,” he said. “See you then.” He hung up before she could say goodbye.
She’d better buzz around,or she wouldn’t be ready when they came. She was going on a trip! Just wait until she told Shirley she was leaving, it would sure aggravate her, but Shirley asked for it. She was always meddling in her business.
She would plan carefully. Roger, one of her sons, had given her money for her birthday. It was tucked securely inside her pocket book, and she had rolled it around the spare car key so the kids wouldn’t know she had the key or the money. She would use the money to buy gas to get home. Yes mam, she would make her own miracle happen. She would drive her car home! Those old busy-bodies at church would think that God had answered their prayers, but she would know better.
Well, here she was, all dressed up with her suitcase beside her chair. “Wonder where I’m going?” Eldora smiled at herself. She had spoken aloud as if talking to her friend Adlilne. Still, she wished she could remember who was coming after her.
She relaxed her short, plump frame in her choicest recliner until sleep claimed her confusion. The soft snores caused her lips to puff in and out, and her callused hands rested in her lap. The dress she wore had busy flowers printed on the bodice, and the elastic at the waist gave a hint to what at one time had been a great figure. Time had not been very kind to her. Brown age spots littered her hands and arms, her skin was paper thin, and she looked every day of her seventy-eight years.

A loud knocking at the door startled her awake, and she pushed heavily out of the chair. “I’m coming!” she yelled, and she wondered who had come today. She peeped out the curtain into the smiling face of her eldest son. My, he was handsome, at least in her eyes.
“We’re here to take you home with us.” With an infectious grin, Lonnie wrapped his long arm around her and hugged her close.
“So you’re the one I’m waiting on,” Eldora rejoiced. “I knew somebody was coming ‘cause I'm all packed up and ready to go."
The two hour drive to Lonnie’s seemed to take only minutes, and before her luggage was all unloaded,
Eldora was tucked into bed and fast asleep. As dawn peeked into her window, her eyes popped open and excitement fluttered in her breast. She dressed quietly, grabbed her purse, and tiptoed out the door. Once on the porch, she dug inside her purse for the hidden key. Then she crept around the corner of the house, her eyes hungrily seeking out her car. There it was! Her heart beat a loud tattoo inside her chest, and with hands that shook she opened the door and sank into the seat. It fit around her perfectly.
A smile lit her face; she turned the key in the ignition, and the car purred to life. With neat precision, she backed carefully down the drive and pulled into the lane, but something was wrong. The motion of the car was like an old man on a cane; it must be a flat tire. Now, what was she going to do? Her thoughts tumbled around in her mind as she sought for a way to fix the tire. She could go back and get Lonnie out of bed. No, that wouldn’t work. He would take her car again. She certainly didn’t want that to happen. She could probably fix the flat herself if she knew where the, where the… “Oh shoot! What is it called?” She questioned the air with aggravation. She knew it was something used to pick up the car, but the correct name ran like a fugitive from her memory.
At the end of the lane, her way to help became clear. Across the street there was a service station. Eldora knew she could use her birthday money and have… Now, what was she gonna have done? Maybe she would remember when she got to the station.
As she started across the street, the impatient sound of blowing horns made not the slightest impact on her. Breaks squealed and cars skidded to avoid crashing into her; their drivers were angry and frightened at the thought of the damage she might have caused. Without realizing that she was the cause of a near catastrophe, Eldora, with great calm, drove her limping car into the service bay.
The attendant on duty had watched the passage with amazement. With a worried expression on his face, he leaned down to the window and asked, “Mam, are you alright?”
“Of course I’m ok,” answered Eldora. “My car is the one with the problem.” With a trace of fear in her voice because she could not recall the problem she asked, “Can you fix it?”
“Certainly mam,” he answered. “We can fix that tire for you right away.”
She sighed with relief; this man knew what was wrong with her car. After satisfactory settlement of the bill, Eldora once more eased herself into the familiar surroundings of her faithful, old car. Ah, what a lovely feeling.
She felt a need for company, so she turned on the radio and mumbled to herself, “The kids are going to be furious with me.” Liking the sound of her own voice she continued, “I wish that I could see and hear what happens when they find me gone.” Her spoken thoughts brought a chuckle from deep down inside. The way home no longer mattered, and she randomly chose her direction as she drove off into the morning.
Monday, January 5, 2009
I'm Falling Apart
My laptop had been giving me some sass the last few days, and I had refused to listen. By Friday it had begun to scream at me. "I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart, please pay attention!"
So, Saturday night I contacted Dell for online help. It seems I had waited too long, and the help I needed fell under a category not covered by my four year warranty. So, I took the steps that the lady suggested and supposed that all would be well. However, before my help could make it's journey from Dell to me, this computer that is my constant companion, that holds a huge amount of memory, crashed!
I did everything possible to stop this disaster, but my attempts were in vain. I lost pictures, articles, work from school, music, papers that I had typed for my husband's on going education, and numerous other things, some valuable and some not.
I was sick for a few hours until I remembered, "I have an external hard drive!" This hard drive did not have everything that my laptop had, but it had most of my pictures, and a few other things that I considered valuable.
So sometime tomorrow, I will recover whatever I can.
This experience has left me thinking.... a rather dangerous pastime!
The treasures of my life are mostly stored in my personal memory bank. Some of my earliest recollections include sitting as close to my dad as possible with brothers and sisters and sometimes cousins, listening as he told us stories that came straight from his wonderful imagination, or gathering around the breakfast table to devour my mother's huge biscuits smothered in the best gravy ever cooked and washing it all down with refreshing ice tea. Isn't childhood the most innocent and fascinating time of life.
One of the dearest memories of that era was listening to and watching my mom and dad as they taught us kids to pray. They taught by example! I can still see my dad's chin start to quiver as he began to feel the presence of God, and huge tears began to roll down his weathered cheeks. I can see the heaving of my mom's shoulders, as she would lose herself in travail, interceding with God for us kids and for the needs of life.
The most outstanding memory is of the night that I received the Holy Ghost. Paula Outlaw was praying with me, and I was only 7 years old. I remember dancing around in a circle, and as I spoke in tongues, I could hear Paula saying, "That's it Debbie! That's it!" Then there was my baptism by Bro. Outlaw in cold, cold Caney Creek. What a treasure to have in this earthen vessel!
The years of growing up with a hoard of brothers and sisters (none of which I would trade off), my marriage to Glenn, the birth of my son and my daughter, what wonderful memories! I could go on and on, for I have had a great life, and I want to think that I will never forget.
However, I do know that there are things that can rob us of every one of life's memorable events. I have seen the effects of brain cancer at work, the way that awful disease can steal away the thought process is heart rending. I have watched a victim of stroke as he lost motor skills, speech, thought patterns, and finally memory and life. These are a couple of things that can cause a 'memory crash,' but I think the worse I have ever encountered is Alzheimer's disease.
I was a major caregiver when my mother was attacked by this debilitating disease. I saw first hand, her loss of a minute ago, yesterday, last year, adulthood, and even childhood. I spent hours listening to stories that I had never heard and that she had once forgotten, things that going backward into time made her remember. At the same time, she would look me in the face and ask, "Where is Debbie?" Oh, what pain and what heartbreak!
So, as a way of preventing the loss of all the wonderful memories stored in this very fragile memory bank of mine, I am going to try and store some of them on paper. Possibly, there will come a time when I will need someone to open up the pages of my life, and read to me, as a way of reminder, about the happy and the sad times of my life! There may come a day that my children or even my grandchildren will want to understand the ins and outs of my life! I want my memories to be available should that day come, and I hope I have not waited too long, that I have heard that inner cry, " I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart, please pay attention!"
So, Saturday night I contacted Dell for online help. It seems I had waited too long, and the help I needed fell under a category not covered by my four year warranty. So, I took the steps that the lady suggested and supposed that all would be well. However, before my help could make it's journey from Dell to me, this computer that is my constant companion, that holds a huge amount of memory, crashed!
I did everything possible to stop this disaster, but my attempts were in vain. I lost pictures, articles, work from school, music, papers that I had typed for my husband's on going education, and numerous other things, some valuable and some not.
I was sick for a few hours until I remembered, "I have an external hard drive!" This hard drive did not have everything that my laptop had, but it had most of my pictures, and a few other things that I considered valuable.
So sometime tomorrow, I will recover whatever I can.
This experience has left me thinking.... a rather dangerous pastime!
The treasures of my life are mostly stored in my personal memory bank. Some of my earliest recollections include sitting as close to my dad as possible with brothers and sisters and sometimes cousins, listening as he told us stories that came straight from his wonderful imagination, or gathering around the breakfast table to devour my mother's huge biscuits smothered in the best gravy ever cooked and washing it all down with refreshing ice tea. Isn't childhood the most innocent and fascinating time of life.
One of the dearest memories of that era was listening to and watching my mom and dad as they taught us kids to pray. They taught by example! I can still see my dad's chin start to quiver as he began to feel the presence of God, and huge tears began to roll down his weathered cheeks. I can see the heaving of my mom's shoulders, as she would lose herself in travail, interceding with God for us kids and for the needs of life.
The most outstanding memory is of the night that I received the Holy Ghost. Paula Outlaw was praying with me, and I was only 7 years old. I remember dancing around in a circle, and as I spoke in tongues, I could hear Paula saying, "That's it Debbie! That's it!" Then there was my baptism by Bro. Outlaw in cold, cold Caney Creek. What a treasure to have in this earthen vessel!
The years of growing up with a hoard of brothers and sisters (none of which I would trade off), my marriage to Glenn, the birth of my son and my daughter, what wonderful memories! I could go on and on, for I have had a great life, and I want to think that I will never forget.
However, I do know that there are things that can rob us of every one of life's memorable events. I have seen the effects of brain cancer at work, the way that awful disease can steal away the thought process is heart rending. I have watched a victim of stroke as he lost motor skills, speech, thought patterns, and finally memory and life. These are a couple of things that can cause a 'memory crash,' but I think the worse I have ever encountered is Alzheimer's disease.
I was a major caregiver when my mother was attacked by this debilitating disease. I saw first hand, her loss of a minute ago, yesterday, last year, adulthood, and even childhood. I spent hours listening to stories that I had never heard and that she had once forgotten, things that going backward into time made her remember. At the same time, she would look me in the face and ask, "Where is Debbie?" Oh, what pain and what heartbreak!
So, as a way of preventing the loss of all the wonderful memories stored in this very fragile memory bank of mine, I am going to try and store some of them on paper. Possibly, there will come a time when I will need someone to open up the pages of my life, and read to me, as a way of reminder, about the happy and the sad times of my life! There may come a day that my children or even my grandchildren will want to understand the ins and outs of my life! I want my memories to be available should that day come, and I hope I have not waited too long, that I have heard that inner cry, " I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart, please pay attention!"
Friday, January 2, 2009
Life Lessons
I received an e-mail the other day with a lesson about a carrot, an egg, and a coffee bean. In this short lesson, the problems of life were compared to boiling water, and the person experiencing them was compared to a carrot, an egg, and a coffee bean. The carrot entered the boiling water hard and unbending, and exited soft and weak. The egg when placed in the water had a thin hard shell, and
a soft fluid inside. When removed from the water the thin shell was cracked and the tender inside had become hard and rubbery. However, the coffee bean went into the water in it's natural state, and although the water boiled with extreme heat around it, the water did not change the coffee bean. Instead, the bean changed the color and the taste of the water. The question was then asked, "Which would you rather be, the carrot, the egg, or the coffee bean?"
I have contemplated on this lesson for several days, and I have come to the conclusion that most of us would rather be the coffee bean. I am thoroughly convinced, however, that always changing your circumstance is not possible. Invariably, things will happen in our lives that change us, and sometimes, this is a good thing! There are times when the hardness we build, as we experience the trials and test of life, must be softened. It is appropriate that God put us on the potters wheel, that He add water to the clay, and that He shape us according to his design. He must soften the flint like conditions of our souls and renew a tenderness of spirit within us.
Then there are periods when we can be so fluid on the inside that if our outer shell should become cracked or broken, our soft inside would pour out to be devoured by the enemy of our soul. That's hen God must turn up the heat, toughen our bonds, and solidify our walk with Him. Possibly, this is when he must thrust us into the heat of His Klein.
After God has used his loving hands to mold and shape us it is now possible for Him to trust us. Can he place us into places and situations that need change and know that we will let him work through us to bring about the needed change? Will it be possible for Him to remove the protective fences from our lives and know that we will, like Job of the Old Testament, be true to Him? Will we trust God to give
and to take away and still bless His name? I believe that like the coffee bean, there will be times when we can change our situation. It is the strength of the coffee bean that causes such wonderful change in the boiling water, and it will be the strength gained through the trials that will allow us to change the perilous waters that surround us.
It is great that we can know a God who knows when we need the hardness softened, a God who understands when we need the soft places in our lives toughened. He is preparing us to walk through fiery darts of the enemy and not be fatally injured, and He is the God who knows when we are ready to bring about changes.
a soft fluid inside. When removed from the water the thin shell was cracked and the tender inside had become hard and rubbery. However, the coffee bean went into the water in it's natural state, and although the water boiled with extreme heat around it, the water did not change the coffee bean. Instead, the bean changed the color and the taste of the water. The question was then asked, "Which would you rather be, the carrot, the egg, or the coffee bean?"
I have contemplated on this lesson for several days, and I have come to the conclusion that most of us would rather be the coffee bean. I am thoroughly convinced, however, that always changing your circumstance is not possible. Invariably, things will happen in our lives that change us, and sometimes, this is a good thing! There are times when the hardness we build, as we experience the trials and test of life, must be softened. It is appropriate that God put us on the potters wheel, that He add water to the clay, and that He shape us according to his design. He must soften the flint like conditions of our souls and renew a tenderness of spirit within us.
Then there are periods when we can be so fluid on the inside that if our outer shell should become cracked or broken, our soft inside would pour out to be devoured by the enemy of our soul. That's hen God must turn up the heat, toughen our bonds, and solidify our walk with Him. Possibly, this is when he must thrust us into the heat of His Klein.
After God has used his loving hands to mold and shape us it is now possible for Him to trust us. Can he place us into places and situations that need change and know that we will let him work through us to bring about the needed change? Will it be possible for Him to remove the protective fences from our lives and know that we will, like Job of the Old Testament, be true to Him? Will we trust God to give
and to take away and still bless His name? I believe that like the coffee bean, there will be times when we can change our situation. It is the strength of the coffee bean that causes such wonderful change in the boiling water, and it will be the strength gained through the trials that will allow us to change the perilous waters that surround us.
It is great that we can know a God who knows when we need the hardness softened, a God who understands when we need the soft places in our lives toughened. He is preparing us to walk through fiery darts of the enemy and not be fatally injured, and He is the God who knows when we are ready to bring about changes.
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