It is Thanksgiving time, and I am ready to give my God all the praise and thanks for blessings too numerous to name. However, I will tell a few of the things that I am thankful for!! First of all my God has been so good to me. He is great and greatly to be praised. Next would be my 'sweet' family…I have a wonderful Husband, and two beautiful children, a great daughter-in-law, and a (hopefully) soon to be son-in-law! This year, however, I have been blessed with my first grandchild!! Beautiful, handsome, full of personality, Carter Malcolm Isom!!! What a joy! There is nothing to compare to this precious sweet lil' man. I wonder, Recon my firstborn might have another little joy bundle to add to our family before long?? I do have room in my heart for another sweet blessing!!! God Will!!
I am thankful for my brothers and sisters and the heritage in God that we share! I also give thanks for my church family! They are a great bunch!