New children in the Kingdom, Jeff and Vicky recieved the Holy Ghost in April of 2013. Coming from a world plagued with drugs, they both received instant deliverance. They have lived for God faithfully for the past 11 months. They have been faithful in church attendance, in giving of both finiance and personal time, and faithful to attend prayer meetings. We are so proud of them. However, due to the lifestyle that they lived before finding their personal salvation, Sis Vicky had some criminal charges hanging over her head, charges that with a conviction would have led to imprisonment. After much prayer and fasting by both Jeff and Vicky and by our church family, yesterday all charges were dismissed against Vicky! She is realizing what living for God with a victorious attude can and will do for the child of God! Glenn and I want to join them in celebration of every miracle that has been wrought in their lives since last April. #godisawesome