Sunday, January 25, 2009

Revival 2009.....Sunday Morning

It is Sunday Morning again, and I am thrilled to tell you that we have had a wonderful revival. We still have 2pm. service today, and I am anxious to see what will happen. So far, our church folks have all had a renewing in the Holy Ghost, and we have had two backsliders pray back through to victory! It is so wondeful to watch the Lord at work. He is the greatest!
This is a pic of Bro. and Sis. Story, out to eat like all Pentecostals! We have had a wonderful time making friends with these folks.

Bro. and Sis. Davis took us all out to eat. They are retired from active pastoring and are a part of our church. Sis. Davis has great determination to come to church, and comes in a wheel chair. She has a wonderful spirit and great spunk!!

1 comment:

Linda Elms said...

Sis. Burks, I'm happy to hear that you've been having a wonderful revival. Be encouraged today and know God is with you. God bless you!