Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jesus Knocking?

An e-mail I received in the mail this morning has gotten my mind on fast forward………
A nurse on the pediatric ward, before listening to the little ones chests, would plug the stethoscope into their ears and let them listen to their own hearts. Their eyes would always light up with awe, but she never got a response equal to four-year old David's comment.
Gently she tucked the stethoscope into his ears and placed the disk over his heart. "Listen," she said. Then asked, "What do you suppose that is?"
He drew his eyebrows together in a puzzled line and looked up as if he was lost in the mystery of the strange tap - tap - tapping deep in his chest. Then his face broke out in a wondrous grin as he asked, "Is that Jesus knocking?"

I wonder if we are attuned enough to hear as God knocks continually at our hearts door. Maybe, He just needs to visit, or He could he possibly wish to heal: a broken heart, a wounded soul, a maligned body, or a tortured spirit! Maybe he would like to bring peace to our hearts! Could he have a special job for us to do?
Whatever, He is knocking for I want to hear the knocking!So God, if I need a spiritual stethoscope, my heart is open to Your knocking.
"Where He leads me I will follow.
Where He leads me I will follow.
Where He leads me I will follow.
I'll go with Him, With Him, all the way."


Penny Wyatt Photography said...

You touched my heart this morning cousin. Thank you ! this was beautiful !

Unknown said...

Thanks, It Plucked at my heart strings too!