Dear Bro. Perdue,
Just this afternoon I sat and began to contemplate about the years of knowing you. My earliest memories centered around the home of my parents, Elward and Eldora Jordan. I am sure it would have been a Sunday afternoon, and there would have been many others present. I can see in my mind the gathering of folks, most on their knees, seeking the face of God. However, you never stayed kneeling long. You would come to your feet and began pacing the floor, worshiping God with your whole heart, as the prayers of the saints were offered up. I am also sure that as a small tot, I was more interested in watching the proceedings than I was in praying! I can imagine my eyes, as big as saucers, as I followed your progress around the room. You never failed to notice us kids, and you would open your rather large hand wide, ruffle our hair, smile down and never miss a beat in your prayer! It was during those Sunday afternoons that I began to see you as a hero.
Later, when I was just below the age of the church youth group, you accepted the leadership of the Bon Wier, U.P.C. youth. I had older brothers and sisters whose age allowed them to participate, but as a child I could only look on in awe and wonder. I remember the hugs you so freely gave us and the words of praise and encouragement as we grew older. It seemed as though you always had time for us kids.
You truly cared about the young people, and gave so freely of you time so that they were all involved in wholesome activities. Volley Ball games that were exciting to play, youth services with scripture matches that mostly ended with George and Roger Dale tied. Powerful services that brought about consecration and dedication of youthful souls were sure to happen with you at the helm. One of the most impressive things I remember seeing was a skit about the widow whose oil and meal never ran out. Thank you for giving and giving and giving again!
Then off to foreign fields you flew to do the will of God! The many things you accomplished in South America will only be known to all when we reach the glory world! I remember getting to see you at General Conference; how excited Glenn and I, as young evangelist would be, getting to visit with you and Sis.Perdue in the display area. We always went looking, searching especially for your booth! What fun, we knew the Missionary in a personal way! It seemed so special to us.
We were delighted when you invited us to South America. We made memories, and got a first-hand view of the churches under your ministry! I cried buckets of tears over the poverty in the cities we visited, yet saw some of the most astounding works of God, both in the churches and in the beautiful scenery. We were overwhelmed by the hunger for God in the hearts of the people in South America. Their seeking and worship of God helped us to understand the deep love and burden that you carry for that beautiful country and those sweet people!
And now, you are back in the States, attending the church where we pastor. What an honor to have your knowledge and wisdom, your understanding of human nature, and someone with your 'walk with God', as a part of our church and community. What did we ever do without you here? You are truly a great example to our church and a compassionate mentor to our family! You gave me some of the best advice I ever had, when I was going through one of the roughest times of my life. Darwin looks at you as though you were his grandfather in the Lord! Your loving guidance in his life has not escaped our attention.
Thank you for your daily support in prayer. We feel the effect of those prayers all the time and need their continual out-pouring. We Love you, and we are indebted to God for placing you in our lives. While I could go on and on, I must close. I am asking God to be close to you and Sis. Perdue and to save your children and grand children!
In His service, Debbie (Jordan) Burks
Glenn too!
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