I have seen this several times and it reminds me of a message that I heard Rev. James Kilgore preach about not removing landmarks that are detrimental to our salvation. Sometime we not only find ourselves jumping the rail, we also are guilty of actually moving the fence! Once a landmark is removed or changed, it becomes very hard to retract the action and put it back into place. I have come to this conclusion; if I perchance, am acting on a principal or a land mark that may not be necessary for my soul to enter the pearly gates, so be it! I would definitely rather be safe and make the rapture than to remove a landmark or a principal from my life and then learn at the judgement seat that I should have left it in place! It is my greatest desire to make it to heaven and to see my family and my church family walk through those gates made of pearl and walk on streets of gold with me!
"It will be Worth it All!"
Happens the last 30 min. of my workday! I can hardly wait to see my best friend! He will have fried fish (thanks to Rebecca Davis Jarrell & Flemon) with all the trimmings today when I get home. He is the love of my life, and he loves me unconditionally, I know! There is a recliner waiting with my name on it and a really good book! The house will be neat, and I can kick back and rest until bed-time! I love that man!
Happens the last 30 min. of my workday! I can hardly wait to see my best friend! He will have fried fish (thanks to Rebecca Davis Jarrell & Flemon) with all the trimmings today when I get home. He is the love of my life, and he loves me unconditionally, I know! There is a recliner waiting with my name on it and a really good book! The house will be neat, and I can kick back and rest until bed-time! I love that man!