Saturday morning, 5th of December, and I was making Oreo Cookie Balls for a
Christmas party that night! I began to giggle as my mind traveled back in
time about 46 years. This is always an interesting past time, remembering
an age of innocence where kids could roam and play without worries!
In this current memory, my brothers and I were down on our knees beside Hwy
1416, encouraging our very own doodle bugs to “move it buster!” The bugs
were each rolling their own little ball of ‘cow paddy,’ and we kids wanted our
beetle to win. The cookie balls looked exactly like the doodle bug balls!
Glenn walked into the kitchen and asked, “What’s so funny!”
Laughingly I told him where my mind had gone, and we begin to reminisce about
those days on innocence!
Behind our home place there was a ‘patch’ of woods where we were allowed to
play for hours. Under the cool shade of tall pines, huge oaks, and around
a few squatty bushes we had created a fairy tale play ground! We had
houses with wall divisions made of pine-straw, furniture created from fallen
branches, and enough kids to people each house with moms, dads, and kids.
We built caves, cooked mud pies, squabbled, had prayer meetings, and played
church. At any given moment we could shout, talk in tongues, and sing as
good as any saint in our home church. We could do the two-step like
Adeline Dougharty, Glenn’s Grandmother, or we could mock to a tee, Sis. Bertie
Rashall’s obeisance dance (I do not know any other way to describe it!). We
would kneel down and pray like Sis. Florien Brown (sort of machine-gun style),
or stand to testify and break out in song like Sis. Linnie Stivender as she
waved her hanky in her left hand!
This was not mockery in a hurtful sense, rather, as children we had learned to
worship God from the examples set before us; sometime our play was so real that
we would be crying for real. Looking back now, I realize that there were
times that we felt God’s presence. I can remember Delbert, my brother
preaching under the anointing, and at that time we did not even know what
anointing meant.
Precious Memories, how they linger!
At the Party...with sweet friends!